Extra Features
Integrated Chatbox: This is a great feature, which when installed can either appear at the bottom or top of your index page or the portal. It is essentially a chat room, which your members can log into, and interact with each other. As an admin, you will have immediate moderation over the chatbox, but you are able to add moderators to it who can then kick or ban members, and clear messages.
RPG Module: If your forum is an RPG (role playing game), this is a great addition. Once installed, members will have the option to fill in their RPG Character Sheet, and this information will then appear underneath their avatar in all of their posts.
Gallery: The free version of the gallery can only be seen by the admins, but if you choose to pay, you can make it available to every member of your free forum.
Spoiler Tags: I thought I'd mention these, as they were added in the first update of this year on my suggestion. On the support forum, you can make suggestions to the technicians which may or may not be implemented. I suggested this several months ago (as an admin of a Harry Potter board, avoiding spoilers is very important!), and it is now a feature.